09 July, 2012

Patience and ADD

I don't think we have kids with Attention Deficit Disorder. I think we have kids that have been over stimulated by technology to the point where they do not know how to use their own creativity without electronics. Everything is taught and done for them. How can they learn patience if everything has been accomplished for them in ready to eat, ready assembled, fast, and happy fashion? Yet we criticize and get angry at the youth for not wanting to work or knowing how to work. Let's get real- we have conditioned them to not lift a finger. We've taught them that manual labor is beneath them.
To give them what they want. Zero discipline because we don't want to feel confrontation or hear screams, cries or be called a meanie. Perhaps this is where respect stems from too, but that is another rant for another day.
Let's just take a day or two to do nothing. You know kind of like a sabbath. I mean it, don't even pick up to phone or answer an email. Just figure out what it feels like to be unplugged for once. If people didn't die from not having access to cell phones or internet 30 years ago, chances are you or your children won't either. Enjoy!

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