20 July, 2012


I seemed to have lost it these past few weeks. My focus that is. Although, I have to admit sometimes you just need to live life like on a carousel or even a carousal becoming dizzy at life so you can appreciate it when you are still. Funny as it may seem, after being spin whipped for even for a short duration, everything seems so much clearer afterward. Kind of like that feeling you get when you are drunk, in life and off of libations. It is the continual spinning that ends up being the beast of burden, being able to know when to stop that is the kicker. Focus begins to become a stranger and then an enemy that you begin running from. Like a carousel  everything seems clear moving in one direction when you apart of the ride, you can see the objects immediately in front of you, other riders etc. However, looking from the outside in, it's difficult to see what is going on. The objects just whip around in a blur with only slight bits that are recognizable. Which is scary, because that is how life is. Unless we choose to ride the ride to see what's going on from the inside (or outside) how can we ascertain that our viewpoint is the correct one? It's important to not lose ourselves on it either and that's what is difficult. It takes discipline to say, "it's been swell, but I have to go home now". I suppose this life-view can have many applications. From kicking a drinking habit, to perusing the internet countless hours of the day, to giving into relationships, to exercising...the list goes on. Everything in moderation is key for sustainability, but shaking it up a bit every once in awhile is what keeps us growing.Walk a mile in someone elses' shoes will keep you moving forward but also make you appreciate what you have.

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